Pink and black is not a typical color palette for a kitchen. But this color combination can add a fresh look to the center of your home. Pink and black can be used in many decorating themes, including retro, romantic and modern. And if it seems a little too feminine, just add a touch of pink to a classic black kitchen. You can really shake up your kitchen with pink and black!

pink & black kitchen on Polyvore
Light pink walls in a black kitchen
Pink retro kitchen with a pinch of black
The Clueless Girl
Country style kitchen - The Design Files
Black walls with bright pink cabinets
apartment therapy
Pastel pink walls and black accents
The Design Chaser
Pink and black bar stools - fiizi
Soft pink appliances in an updated kitchen
Modern kitchen with chalkboard wall
and pink stools - Pinterest
Pink cabinets with black & white tile floors
Pink retro kitchen with a pinch of black
The Clueless Girl
Country style kitchen - The Design Files
Black walls with bright pink cabinets
apartment therapy
Pastel pink walls and black accents
The Design Chaser